PPL Training
PPL Syllabus
Gaining a private pilots licence (helicopters) is both challenging and fun. Once completed, the PPL will enable you to fly family and friends to airfields and private sites all over the country or indeed further afield across the channel.
The PPL(H) course itself involves one-to-one training following a structured course set by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Flight training consists of a minimum of 45 hours flying (39 if you already hold a fixed wing licence) including training in general handling, navigation and dealing with simulated emergency situations.
During the course you will also complete at least 10 hours of solo flying and undertake training to enable you to fly with sole reference to instruments.
Towards the completion of your PPL(H) training you will achieve a solo flight to land away at two different airfields. The theoretical training includes 9 multiple choice exams (listed in Ground Exams section).
You will also learn how to use the radio to communicate with air traffic control.
Flight training consists of a minimum of 45 hours flying (39 if you already hold a fixed wing licence) including training in general handling, navigation and dealing with simulated emergency situations.
During the course you will also complete at least 10 hours of solo flying and undertake training to enable you to fly with sole reference to instruments.
Towards the completion of your PPL(H) training you will achieve a solo flight to land away at two different airfields. The theoretical training includes 9 multiple choice exams (listed in Ground Exams section).
You will also learn how to use the radio to communicate with air traffic control.
The PPL Training Syllabus is as follows:
- Familiarisation with the helicopter
- Preparation for and action after flight
- Air experience - your trial lesson!
- Effects of the controls - what the controls do in forward flight
- Attitude and power changes
- Level flight, climbing, descending and turning
- Basic autorotation - 'gliding' a helicopter
- Hovering - the ultimate challenge!
- Take off and landing
- Transitions - from the hover to the climb, and from the descent to the hover
- Circuits
- First solo
- Sideways and backwards manoeuvres
- Turns on the spot
- Vortex ring
- Engine off landings
- Advanced autorotation
- Practice forced landings
- Steep turns
- Advanced transitions
- Quickstops - stopping the aircraft safely from cruise speed at low altitude
- Navigation
- Advanced take offs and landings
- Take offs and landings on sloping ground
- Limited power - learning to fly when available power is limited
- Confined area operations
- Instrument flying
Medical Examination
Before your first solo flight you must have passed a basic medical examination by an Approved Aviation Medical Examiner. This can usually be done locally and we can provide you with the contact details of the appropriate doctors.
Briefs & Debriefs
Each training flight is preceded by a pre-flight brief during which the objectives of the lesson are explained and discussed, and followed by a post flight discussion and debrief. All pre and post flight briefs are included within the hourly flying rate.
Ground Exams
The ground exams are integrated throughout the course and the subjects are generally covered with a combination of classroom ground school and self-study. Help and guidance will always be given by your instructor and additional training is always available as well as the possibility of group lessons.
Polar Helicopters
Hangar 10
Manston Airport
CT12 5FF

Tel: +44 (0)1843 823 067
Mob: +44 (0)7789 407 389
Site by Kikk
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